Plastic hardware mesh is a multi-purpose agricultural net that is both strong and light-weighted. It is ideal for numerous agricultural uses including agricultural fencing, pond protection and plant trellis. For different applications, plastic hardware mesh provides desired results.
The agricultural net is UV resistant and fabricated from black polypropylene. The mesh has a good tensile strength, making it capable of stretching without showing signs of damage. Plastic hardware mesh is useful for fencing the garden, supporting climbing vining plants and protecting against big and small animals. The device is available at online and physical farm stores. It is affordable and easy to use.
Some Features/Benefits of Plastic Hardware Mesh
Plastic hardware mesh is suitable for various garden use. It comes in different varieties which share common features. Some of the features of a plastic hardware mesh are:
- It has good tensile strength
- It is light-weighted
- It is UV resistant
- It is easy to use
Agricultural Application of Plastic Hardware Mesh
There are several applications that plastic hardware mesh can be used for. Here are some of the applications:
- Bird netting
Plastic hardware mesh can be used as bird netting for preventing birds from gaining access to certain areas within your property. It is effective for protecting vegetables, fruits and crops form birds, or other animals. Also, the hardware mesh can be used for protecting of urban structures from birds as it creates an impregnable hindrance for birds without hurting them in the process.

- Garden fencing
Garden fencing is useful for avoiding erosion and animals from entering the garden. Plastic hardware mesh can function as the garden fencing. It is makes for a durable protection that lasts longer than metal or wooden fencing. When used for garden fencing, plastic hardware mesh demands minimum maintenance and endures harsh weather conditions.

- Poultry netting
Poultry netting is a nontoxic and noncorrosive protective structure for the chickens. It protects the flocks from snakes and other predators that feed on chickens and eggs. Plastic hardware mesh can be used as a poultry netting. For the safety of your chickens and discouraging the flock from roaming, plastic hardware mesh can be installed in the poultry.

- Plant trellis netting
Plastic hardware mesh can also be used for tutoring plants. It ensures that plants continue to grow properly and manage the garden space. Hardware mesh also prevents harmful birds and bugs form eating the seedlings in the garden when used as plant trellis netting. It provides for natural light and rain water while creating protection for the herb.

- Plastic Deer Fencing Mesh
Plastic deer fencing mesh are protective netting used to create barrier against deer from reaching areas where plants are grown. Ideal fencing mesh has good strength and tensile strength to discourage the deer from roaming into the plantation. Since plastic hardware mesh meets the standard, it can effectively replace a plastic deer fencing mesh. It can properly protect the farm from deer; it is durable and easy to maintain.

- Pond Netting
Pond netting is used for driving off birds that feed on fish. It is installed in ponds for protection, not just from birds but also from leaves that fall into the pond. The plastic hardware mesh can be used as pond netting. It has the features that makes it perfect for withstanding the attacks of cats, kingfishers and different other fish-eating animals.

You can use plastic hardware mesh for entirely different purposes. To install the hardware mesh, visit garden or farm store to acquire one.